Download a copy of debit note on iSupplier
Supplier Actions
[BCB:130:Coupa is Coming:ECB]


In the first instance, please check the email address used when the debit note was raised and ensure that it's up to date. 

If the email address we have for debit updates is incorrect, please click for guidance on updating your Waitrose or John Lewis email address.

If the debit note you're requesting is any of the following formats (shown with example debit number), please complete the help request below as these aren't available through iSupplier. 

  • Branch/RDC returns - D01234567 
  • Branch debit note - BRCLAIM123456
  • JL accounts receivable invoices- starting - 301 / BUY / 43000
  • Waitrose accounts receivable invoices- starting 701 / 47000
  • Accounts receivable debits - AR1234567 / JK12345 
  • Accounts receivable overseas - FDN12345
  • Magna Park debits - 2021- 000 -MP

Please raise one help request per debit note type required. You may request multiple debit note copies on one form providing they are the same type.


If the debit note you are requesting is an accounts payable debit note (e.g. D123456) these should be requested through the iSupplier portal. 

  1. Log onto iSupplier
    Note: must be a validated domain.
  2. Enter the debit note reference into the Invoice number field
    Note: The best way to search for a debit is to remove the D and enter the number between two percentage signs e.g. D123456 would be %123456% the system will then search for all items with the numbers in this sequence. This may also show whether the debit note has already been reversed which may show up as 123456R.
  3. When the debit note is located you will be able to scroll across to the Synthetic image column and there will be a request copy link
  4. Click on request copy link and the system will generate a message to say a copy of D123456 has been requested 
  5. Please take a screenshot of the completed request message
  6. A copy of the debit note will then be sent overnight to your designated debit note email address
  7. If you do not receive the copy after 24 hours, please complete a help request
  8. If you would like to dispute an existing note, please click here.

Next Steps

  • Please submit a help request to contact us if you have previously requested an accounts payable debit through iSupplier
  • When completing the below help request, please provide a screenshot showing confirmation of the debit request through iSupplier. If you don't have this, please request the debit again, take a screenshot of the confirmation message, and wait 24 hours to ensure the debit hasn't been received before completing the help request below.

Submit help request