Create a manual GFR invoice on iSupplier
Supplier Actions


There may be occasions where you are unable to locate your order number on iSupplier.

If you cannot find your purchase order to generate an invoice directly from the order; the below steps will show you how to create the invoice manually, linking to the purchase order number.

For our location code directory, click here.


  1. Log onto iSupplier
    Note: must be a validated domain.
  2. Please go to the Invoices and Payments tab and click Create Invoice
  3. Try searching for your PO number in the Match to purchase orders section, if the order still does not appear, scroll down to the invoice line section
  4. Please ensure that each line has a PO number in the final PO number field
  5. After all lines have been added including he Net Amount, VAT Amount, and Gross Amounts, please click recalculate 
  6. Before submitting the invoice, please check invoice lines and totals are correct shown in the top right hand corner are correct
  7. Please attach any supporting invoice documents, using the Attachments button
  8. Once the above steps are complete, click Submit in the top right hand corner
  9. A confirmation message will appear to check you wish to proceed, click Ok
  10. The invoice has now been submitted

Next steps

If you'd like guidance on checking the status of the invoice, click here.