Look Ahead: iSupplier - select your query
Select your invoice query
I've not yet checked iSupplier
Are you able to login and check iSupplier?
No - I cannot login to iSupplier
Do you have an active login for iSupplier?
I'd like to deactivate a user
Yes - I can login to iSupplier
What stage of locating the invoice have you reached?
I cannot locate the Invoice Entry field
I'm unsure what the status means
I need to view the payment & remittance advice
I need to view the receipt for an order
I need to download a debit note copy
I'm unable to locate the invoice
How was the invoice submitted to JLP?
I've checked iSupplier and need further help
Has your invoice been paid?
No - the invoice hasn't been paid
Yes - the invoice has been paid
Was the correct amount paid on the invoice?
No - the invoice amount wasn't correct
Was the invoice overpaid or underpaid?
Invoice was underpaid
Do you know what the underpayment relates to?
No - I don't know the reason for the underpayment
Yes - I know the reason for underpayment
What is the reason for the underpayment?
Invoice part netted previously
VAT only invoice
Incorrect item price
Was the invoice for Waitrose or John Lewis?
John Lewis
Invoice was overpaid
Do you know of a reason for overpayment?
Yes - I know the reason for an overpayment
Was the original invoice for Waitrose or GFR John Lewis?
John Lewis
No - I don't know why the invoice was overpaid
Yes - the correct amount was paid
I have multiple invoices to check/would like to reconcile my account
I'd like a copy of an AR invoice sent by JLP/Waitrose